Air Sensors and Monitoring

What we do – Air Sensors and Monitoring

Monitor more things in more places at lower cost.

For over 10 years we have been pioneering the use of new sensor technologies to push the boundaries of what can be measured and monitored.

Why have one monitoring station when you can now have 100?

  • Instrument test & evaluation
  • Development of novel sensor packages
  • Monitoring in the home, classroom or small business
  • Monitoring study design
  • Passive/screening monitoring
  • Monitoring on/from mobile platforms (bikes, buses, scooters, cars)
  • Monitoring in road tunnels
  • Low-cost sensor networks (AirGrid)


How do you turn data into decisions?

See our section on Analysis & Modelling

The Air Quality Collective

Current and recent projects

Go South – Finding the missing Southern Ocean Clouds

Go South – Finding the missing Southern Ocean Clouds

Current climate models misrepresent cloud formation over the Southern Ocean causing mismatches between models and satellite observations. These errors are important because too much sunlight reaches the ocean surface in simulations, leading to overestimates of ocean...

DustGrid: Using low-cost sensors to help manage post-Cyclone dusts

DustGrid: Using low-cost sensors to help manage post-Cyclone dusts

In February 2023 floods following Cyclone Gabrielle dumped 20 million tonnes of silt across 4 productive farming valleys in New Zealand’s Hawkes Bay. As recovery operations disturbed the silt dense clouds of dust posed a new hazard that lingered for months after the...

Smart Home Air Quality System – SHAQS

Smart Home Air Quality System – SHAQS

When it became clear that New Zealand’s successful elimination strategy was to be replaced with one of mitigation, it also became clear that we needed to understand the ventilation practices in our indoor spaces. As part of the Ministry of Health fund to improve...

Clearing the air

Clearing the air

Clearing The Air: Helping managers of small businesses and community facilities to improve ventilation Gyms, churches, clinics, daycares, libraries. They all need to ensure safe and healthy air for staff, customers and visitors. But how? Many smaller buildings don’t...

Recent blog posts

Latest news and blogs

Why is Particulate Matter so special?

Why is Particulate Matter so special?

Air pollution is one of those things, like weather and climate, that because it affects everyone we all have an opinion about it. This makes it an ideal area for "citizen" and "traditional" scientists to collaborate and work towards improving our lives. However, air...

How good is good enough?

How good is good enough?

Chasing the dream of accurate and reliable low cost sensors in air qualityFor quite a few years now, there are a number of projects around consumer level (as opposed to research grade) air quality sensors. (Air Quality Egg, Speck, Dustduino, Air Beam and our own...

What is air pollution?

What is air pollution?

So what is air pollution? Pollution is bad. The word ‘pollution’ conjures up images of something dark, something menacing, something nasty that turns up where it shouldn’t. The notion of something clean and pure being invaded by something repulsive or distasteful that...